Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Where is Saint Pierre and Miquelon located?
Saint Pierre and Miquelon locator
Map of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Map of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Current Currency:Euro (EUR)
Old Currency:French Franc (FRF)
Continent:North America
Demonym:Saint-Pierrais, Miquelonnais, Pierrian
Official Language:French
Ethnic Groups:French, Canadian
Country Calling Code:+508
Top Level Domain:.pm
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:PM
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:SPM
Current weather in Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Current weather in
Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Local time is 22:14, 18 September 2024
Clear Sky
15.98 °C Feels like 16.24 °C
Sunrise at 07:26
Sunset at 19:50
1015 hpa
Temperature is from 15.98 °C to 15.98 °C
Wind is 4.63 m/s
Clouds: 0 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 18 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 0,8991 EUR
1 EUR = 1,1122 USD