Flag of Pitcairn Islands

Pitcairn Islands

Where is Pitcairn Islands located?
Pitcairn Islands locator
Map of Pitcairn Islands
Map of Pitcairn Islands
Current Currency:New Zealand dollar (NZD)
Demonym:Pitcairn Islander
Official Languages:Pitkern, English
Ethnic Group:Pitcairn Islanders
Religion:Seventh-day Adventist
Country Calling Code:+64
Top Level Domain:.pn
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:PN
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:PCN
Current weather in Pitcairn Islands
Current weather in
Adamstown, Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands

Local time is 15:39, 18 September 2024
Clear Sky
21.23 °C Feels like 21.37 °C
Sunrise at 06:33
Sunset at 18:35
1015 hpa
Temperature is from 21.23 °C to 21.23 °C
Wind is 1.16 m/s
Clouds: 0 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 18 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 1,6074 NZD
1 NZD = 0,6221 USD
1 EUR = 1,7878 NZD
1 NZD = 0,5593 EUR