Flag of Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde

Where is Cabo Verde located?
Cabo Verde locator
Map of Cabo Verde
Map of Cabo Verde
Current Currency:Cape Verdean escudo (CVE)
Demonym:Cape Verdean, Cabo Verdean
Official Languages:Portuguese, Cape Verdean Creole
Ethnic Groups:Mestizo, Creole
Religions:Christianity, Irreligious
Country Calling Code:+238
Top Level Domain:.cv
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:CV
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:CPV
Current weather in Cabo Verde
Current weather in
Praia, Cabo Verde Cabo Verde

Local time is 07:07, 19 September 2024
Few Clouds
25.3 °C Feels like 26.05 °C
Sunrise at 06:22
Sunset at 18:32
1012 hpa
Temperature is from 25.3 °C to 25.3 °C
Wind is 2.57 m/s
Clouds: 20 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 19 September 2024 at 01:00
1 USD = 99,2586 CVE
1 CVE = 0,0101 USD
1 EUR = 109,9894 CVE
1 CVE = 0,0091 EUR